Saturday, August 10, 2013

Week 4

I will be adding one item to my plan based on the feedback that I received.  I will be adding a student survey at the end of the year to see what the students thought about using the iPads in the classroom.  My meeting with my site supervisor resulted in no change.  She just offered some advice on how I might complete some of the steps involved in my plan.  Now I am ready to get it all started!

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Action Research Plan

Last year was the first year that every high school student and high school teacher had an iPad to use on a daily basis in class and at home.  The proper training was not followed to adequately support the teachers in the use of the iPads in the classroom and many teachers are questioning the value of the iPad in the classroom.  Algebra I grades and state testing results in Algebra I have been low for quite some time in my district.  I want to improve the results in Algebra I and also improve the use of the iPads in the classroom.

Will the use of iPads in the classroom improve student comprehension in Algebra I classes?  Will the use of this technology increase the Algebra I state testing results?

Action Research Plan
Goal: Enhance student performance in Algebra I classes by utilizing the iPads in the classroom.
Action Steps(s):
Person(s) Responsible:
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources
Discuss Action Research Plan with site supervisor and district math coordinator

Michael Fore
August 2013
Meeting with site supervisor and district math coordinator
Approval from site supervisor and district math coordinator
Survey Algebra I teachers (anonymously) at Summit and Legacy High Schools to determine the level of use of the iPads in the classroom last year

Michael Fore
September 2013
Teacher Survey on Google Docs
Survey results
Research use of iPads in the Algebra I classes

Michael Fore
September 2013 /
December 2013
Internet, Algebra I teachers
Research notes
Train teachers on new ways and techniques of using iPads in class

Michael Fore
September 2013 / May 2014
Training location
Training evaluation forms
Analyze and interpret data of student achievement at the semester break.  Compare this data to last year’s data.

Michael Fore
January 2014
Access to data in Skyward
Graphs and/or spreadsheets displaying data
Survey the same group of teachers (anonymously) at the semester break to evaluate use of iPads in the classroom

Michael Fore
January 2014
Survey on Google Docs
Survey results
Analyze and interpret data of student achievement at the end of the year.  Compare this data to last year’s data.

Michael Fore
June 2014
Access to data in Skyward
Graphs and/or spreadsheets displaying data
Survey the same group of teachers (anonymously) at the end of the year to evaluate use of iPads in the classroom

Michael Fore
June 2014
Survey on Google Docs
Survey results
Analyze EOC date from 2013 to 2014
Michael Fore
June 2014
EOC Test results from 2013 and 2014 for Summit and Legacy
Graphs showing data collected
Share results with teachers and administrators in the district and make recommendations
Michael Fore
July 2014 /  August 2014
Results of action research plan
Final results to share